A few days ago I was on Facebook, and someone was talking about how difficult it is for small business owners this year.
Of course my response was, "Why is it difficult?"
Then this person started talking about how people can't afford food because of inflation; and since they can't afford food, they certainly can't afford to support local businesses.
I'll never be able to accept this. People always want to buy stuff.
The question is... How many people do you need to buy your stuff?
I think in the back of our minds, we all think we need to have a million people like our stuff before we can decent money doing anything.
And that's not true.
In fact - You only need to have 1,000 people buy a $100 thing from you to create a 6-figure business.
Cool, huh?
And if you can sell your thing for more than $100, you need even less people to buy from you.
Let's say you're selling a service for $30 a month. So over the course of a year, your customer is going to give you $360.
Then you only need about 300 customers to make $100,000 a year.
If you're selling high-ticket offers, you only need a handful of clients to make really good money.
This whole thing is about mindset.
A lot of people are never going to buy from you. That's ok. You don't need them.
And you definitely shouldn't let haters stress you out.
You just need to trust that there are people that will love you, and will buy every single thing you sell - eventually.
When I was running my education business, I would obsess over the people that quit after a couple of months.
I always thought that losing a customer was a direct reflection on me.
Now I know better.
Because after a while, I started collecting loyal customers. Those customers brought their friends. And they stuck with me through thick and thin.
After a while, I didn't have to worry about money anymore.
But developing a loyal following takes time. It's not going to happen instantly.
How do you find the people that love you?
That's a loaded question, and I have two ways to answer it.
If you want, I can help you directly. I offer consulting to certain businesses that I feel are a good fit. Just shoot me an email at diana@rainmakersunited.com
The second way I can help you is through my Rainmakers Newsletter.
You can subscribe here.
I always talk about the things I'm learning and doing in this business. Subscribers can email me and ask me questions - I always try to answer as many emails as I can.