Come up with a month's worth of great content ideas in 15 minutes
I don't know about you, but when I'm trying to come up with new content ideas... I usually end up feeling really overwhelmed.
Probably because like most people, I always have the same ideas on loop in my brain. Coming up with a new playlist on command can be a bit stressful, even for the most creative among us.
So I developed a little trick with the help of AI, where I can get brand-new content ideas for the rest of the month in less than 15 minutes.
Here's how the gurus come up with their content ideas.
One of my favorite gurus says he likes to sit down with a pen and paper while he's having his morning coffee, and write out 15 ideas every morning.
He now has a notebook with thousands and thousands of ideas, so he just opens his notebook whenever he needs a new idea.
It's an interesting perspective, isn't it?
And you could do that everyday for a week, and have more than enough content ideas by the end of the week to last you for a while. It sounds really sexy, right?
But I wonder if they would be good content ideas? Content ideas that people would want to read. Content ideas that would bring in more customers. Content ideas that could go viral.
I mean... Not all of us have his 20 years of knowledge and experience to rely on. So you might be sitting down with your morning cup of joe, and be unable to come up with 15 solid ideas. You actually might have trouble coming up with 2 or 3 great ideas.
What do you do then?
What's the biggest problem with having to come up with great content ideas all of the time.
The reason why most people or businesses give up content creation so quickly is because they have a hard time coming up with new ideas. It's not that they're bad at writing, they just don't know what to write about.
Sure, the first week of coming up with new ideas might be easy. But what do you once you've used up all of your go-to material?
Most people will write a few articles, or post a few videos with no response. Some of them will even be ok with it. But the more they post without engagement, the more the get discouraged.
And then they'll give up because they've decided that it's too hard.
My best friend wanted to be a world famous author, so she started a twitter to get the word out about her writing. She's posted 11 times in the past 15 years, and like most people she gave up rather quickly.
It's scary to try new things - and without immediate recognition for our efforts, it's all too easy to throw in the towel early.
But coming up with great content ideas doesn't have to be a struggle...
I want you to try to come up with a month's worth of content in the next 15 minutes. Here's what you'll have to do to get this done...
- Feed AI a prompt with your niche, ideal customer, and preferred type of content.
- Take the list and throw out any ideas you don't feel comfortable with.
- Add your own personal twist on the remaining items.
- Replace the content that you've thrown out with content that has done well previously.
Here's the prompt you can put into your favorite AI tool.
Earlier today, I asked one of my favorite AI tools to come up with a list of content ideas for me. I typed...
Hey, I want to create a month's worth of daily content for my perspective clients in the #your niche# industry. They are #your ideal customer avatar#. I will be writing #your preferred type of content#. Please give me a list that they will find interesting, and will rank highly on SEO.
And then it gave me a list of some pretty decent content ideas for my niche and ideal customer. Here are a few of my favorites:
- How to create a killer marketing strategy on a budget.
- The power of storytelling in marketing.
- The role of SEO in content creation.
- The benefits of guest blogging for small businesses.
- How to use analytics to improve your content.
I wanted to show you these so you would see that there are some very usable content ideas right out of the box.
Full disclosure - Not everything the AI gave me was a winner, but even the losers give me an idea about what customers in my niche are looking for... or solutions I might not have thought about before.
If you don't feel like you have enough ideas to last a month, just tell the AI that you're not satisfied with it's answers. You can ask it to try again for as many times as you'd like.
Once you have a decent sized list of content ideas, give them your own personal twist.
The list that AI gives you is probably going to be a little bit bland. But that's ok because you are a creative human. So take everything that you gotten from AI, and put spin you think your followers will enjoy on it.
Here's the list from earlier with my own personal twist:
- Replicate this killer marketing strategy for only $68.
- This is how I used storytelling to double my clients in a month.
- Why you should use SEO when you create social media content.
- How to double your small business's income with guest blogging.
- Focus on these analytics points if you want to improve conversions on your content.
Think of your finished list like a rough draft. Your ideas are not going to be perfect, but they'll be a jumping off point to get you started in the morning when it's time to write your daily content.
Please don't be afraid to reuse ideas that have done well in the past.
Whenever the AI gives you a list of content ideas, there are always going to be some that you don't want to use. Maybe you don't know enough about the topic, or you don't think your followers will respond well to something.
That's fine.
I want you to throw those out, and replace them with content ideas that have worked well for you in the past. From now on, whenever you publish something that does really well, write it down.
You want a list of things that you know will perform well. Not only because you can't think of anything better, but because you want to give your audience what you know they'll like.
Think of this particular content like it's your greatest hits album. No matter how many time you play it, your audience is going to love it every time.
Eventually, the goal is to be able to pull all of your ideas from this list. Once you have like 100 topics that you know resonate with your ideal customer, you never really have to go digging around for new content ever again.
Because no one is going to remember the content you posted a few months ago. If it did well, don't be afraid to create a remix and post it again.
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