Growing an email list hard, but it's the best way to grow your business's revenue. If you're ready to make money and grow your list quickly, I've created this plan for you to follow.
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0-100 Subscribers:
At this stage, the most important thing is to define who you want to be. What do you want to teach people? And what kinds of offers do you want to sell?
Once you're super clear on all of that, you need to practice writing to your intended core audience. Think about the things that might interest them, or the things that might be getting on their nerves. Speak to these things.
Then start start spreading the word about your list. Mention it on social media. Tell your friends. Get your mom to subscribe. Having actual people on your list will give you the motivation you'll need to continue.
100-500 Subscribers:
Congratulations, you now have an audience! Take this time to find out their likes and dislikes. Find out what they respond to, and create more content based on that research.
Get to know your audience better than they know themselves. Ask them questions whenever you get a chance.
Then think about what kinds of offers would help them, and build one. Your first offer should probably be simple. A service would be ideal. Then tell your list about your offer, and ask them to email you if they're interested.
To promote your list, you'll need to talk about your content on social media. With a large enough following on social media, you should be able to get to 500 subscribers without much trouble.
But if you don't have a good social media following, you might want to think about dipping your toe into the world of paid advertising. You'll want to develop the skills you'll need to cold traffic to your list. Be sure to start with a very small budget, maybe $2 a day.
500-1,000 Subscribers:
At this point, you should have two things going for you....
- A solid offer that you know people want to buy.
- The ability to bring in leads from social media.
You should also be making money, but don't get too comfortable.
Now is the time to make friends in your niche so you can cross-sell to each other's lists. The good news is that your list is now big enough to garner some attention, so leverage that attention to get even more leads from other people in the same industry.
1,000-10,000 Subscribers:
It's time to spend more money on ads. If you started with paid ads when you reached 100 subscribers, you should know what works and what doesn't by now.
Double-down on what is working....
And if you're going to run paid ads, check that the math is mathing. ?
If you're spending more money than you're making on paid ads, you'll need to create higher ticket offers that offset the costs of running ads.
You might need to experiment with different offers until you find one that works. But once you create a profitable system, there's nothing to stop you from bringing in as many leads as you want.
10,000-50,000 Subscribers:
Once you have 10,000 subscribers, you'll need to create more offers. You know you already have at least one offer that works, and a system to bring in new leads. It's a great foundation, but you'll need to build on it.
One reason why you need to create more offers to sell to your list is because you probably have followers that will buy everything you sell.
They're you're biggest fans. Make sure you're taking advantage of their loyalty, and give them more of what they want.
50,000-100,000 Subscribers:
Start collecting quality affiliate offers.
At this time, you probably have several of your own offers. So instead of spending time creating even more new offers, you can start making money on other people's offers.
Affiliate income is great really great because you don't have to worry about fulfillment, customer service, chargebacks, etc... All you have to do is promote something new to your list. (And you're a pro at that by now.)
Also, you need to start thinking about hiring a team to help you. You'll probably want to hire a copywriter to maximize conversions, and save some of your time. You could also hire someone to help find and manage affiliate offers.
It's also time to start thinking about segmentation. Make sure people are getting the information they care about the most, and the offers that are most relevant to their needs.
More than 100,000 Subscribers:
Your list should be fully segmented, and you should have a team of marketing professionals helping you manage your list.
Think about buying assets or other businesses to support your main business.